We know that God answers prayers. We also know that not all our prayers have been answered. We prayed that the pandemic would stop but it did not! However we have prayed for other things over the years and we got amazing results! So how do we know what to pray for or not?
My answer is taken from the mouth of our Lord Jesus Christ!
“Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart,”
Luke 18:1 NKJV
We are to pray always about all things and in all situations! Sometimes we ask for directions and other time we ask for help and still other times we stand on what God told us earlier!
If every request we made to God was answered the way we asked it:
- The earth would be a big mess because we are always asking for conflicting things anyway! Believe it or not, some people want what you don’t want. Someone most likely is praying for what you are praying against.
- We would be right to call ourselves God because it would mean that we know the best solution to every situation and how each solution would affect the future.
- We would come up with a theory that there is no God because no intelligent being would give in to every request from another intelligent being!
So we must pray always about all things and in all situations. That means we should involve God in the totality of our lives. Nothing should be off limits with God! Then we should be willing to believe God when God tells us that it is done!
When talking to God about those who don’t know Him we should ask for direction! Ask for grace to forgive and repent of our failure to care enough! Then stand in faith on God’s Word that he places on our hearts! We must also stand against the lies of the devil by speaking the words of God concerning the person and the situations! Prayer is communion!