When a person proclaims Jesus as their Saviour and repents from their old life,
It is a miracle.
The Holy Spirit convicted them and they received New Life.
You can’t make it happen, but you can be used by God in the process.
That is what we are.
Tools in God’s hands.
You and I must be good, consistent, and faithful tools.
Expect more miracles this year.
The miracle does not stop at the new birth.
We go on until Christ is formed in them. (Gal 4;19).
Category: BiVo Ministry
… by His LIFE
He is Risen! Happy Resurrection Sunday!
Isn’t it exciting that we are not only saved by the death of our Lord Jesus Christ,
we also get to live and operate in victory by His Life!
He offers us the same victory He has. By His Life!
No need to fear because He lives!
For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life
Rom 5:10 NKJV
How is your baby doing?
Have you met a new father or mother recently?
They are usually smiling from ear to ear.
They are so grateful for the miracle of giving birth.
And when you see them a few months later, you would ask after the new baby.
What if they say “I don’t know’.
“I left the baby at the hospital. We are trying for another baby!”
What would you think?
Would you not be alarmed?
Well, that is exactly how you should be alarmed when you lead someone to the Lord and neglect to “teach them to obey all the commandments” that our Lord Jesus has commanded you!
If you have no spiritual children, you should be equally alarmed, unless you are working hard to have one.
One seed! Millions of Fruits
Yesterday, I listened again to the salvation story of Dr Yonggi Cho.
He was a pastor in South Korea, whom God used to impact millions of people in Korea and many millions more all around the world.
He got to hear the gospel because a schoolgirl took the time to visit his home daily on her way back from school.
He did not receive her message immediately but she persisted and demonstrated the love of God. He was just 17 years old and he was dying!
She was not eloquent, but she shared as much as she knew. When he agreed to follow Jesus, she gave him her Bible and instructed him to read it starting from Matthew.
The Holy Spirit did the rest.
He got saved and healed (although the manifestation of the healing took some time)!
Disciple-making starts with sowing the seed of the gospel, but it does not end there.
Don’t give up. Keep sowing the seeds.
I can imagine that the schoolgirl spoke to many people every day and maybe just Yonggi Cho responded positively to her message.
Even that one was well worth all her effort.
You are important..
Yes! The plan of God for redemption includes you!
Our Heavenly Father has decided in His wisdom, to involve us in the redemption of our lost brothers and sisters.
Imagine what would happen if all those who are believers all around the world would be used by God to disciple one person who is not saved in one year.
The number of believers will double!
You can start today by asking the Lord to send you!
No Prayer, No Power!
The more you share our Heavenly Father’s heart for the lost, the more you will want everyone to hear the Good news of God’s Kingdom and Jesus Christ the redeemer.
However, you may find that the people around you do not want to be disciples of Jesus. Many do not even want to talk about faith.
What then does God expect from you and I?
He wants us to prayerfully find those people who are ready for harvest.
The keyword here is prayerfully!
When we pray, God leads us! He is the Lord of the Harvest.
Spend more time in prayer than in trying to share the good news.
For every hour you spend in the harvest sharing the gospel, spend 2 hours in prayers.
Worship, fellowship with the Holy Spirit, listen for instruction, pray against the plans of the enemy and declare the victory in Jesus Name!
And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.
Luke 10:2 ESV
Be Fruitful and Multiply!
Do you know that if you commit to making only one disciple for Jesus every year and train that disciple to do the same, you will have made over one million disciples in 20 years?
Let’s do it.

Do you know Zúme?
Are you looking for a very good but free training on disciple-making and planting of a simple church that multiplies?
Then take a look at this training. You can use it alone or for your small group.
The best part is that it is online. You can go through it at your own pace and at your convenience.
Did I mention that it is free? All you need is your email address to register.
Here is the link again ->> https://zume.training/training/
Let me know what you think as soon as you start the course.
Disciple The People Around You
As long as you are a disciple of Jesus, you can disciple other people.
By teaching them to obey ALL the commandments that Jesus has given us.
Sure, that means you have to obey them too.
It’s our Lord’s way of building a strong church.
Train every believer to start sharing what they learn, immediately.
It will help them to know it and OBEY.
Yes. They don’t need a bible school certificate to share what they have learnt.
They need to obey and share.
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them inthe name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matt 28: 18-20 ESV
You can do NOTHING!
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:5
Recently, I have been reminded by the Holy Spirit that without Jesus, we can do nothing.
This means we must be in continuous communion with Him.
Why is this so important?
Because we can do a lot of activities, and all the activities will add up to nothing in the Kingdom.
Our God can do in a few minutes what thousands of humans cannot achieve in decades.
So as you seek to make disciples for Jesus in 2024, let Him lead you to those people of peace that He has prepared.
You just be bold and do what he tells you to do.
– Ade