Whenever I think of enemy, I think of the devil! But beyond that I think of the man and his gang that killed my dear mother (Story here). So when I read what Jesus says about loving your enemy I am so happy that I now know what it means!
““But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.”
Luke 6:27-28 NKJV
Naturally, it is absolutely impossible to love your enemy who wants you dead or who spits on you during a pandemic. It is impossible to do good to those who hate you. To do good to people who are trying to get you fired from your job. It is impossible to bless those who call you names, make fun of you and enjoy seeing you humiliated.
All these are impossible when you think that these people are different from you. When you think that these people are wicked and you are better. These things are impossible when you have not experienced the unconditional love of a Heavenly Father.
Friends, although this words are commands from Jesus, they are also what Jesus does inside us. This is a description of the kind of love that is available when we are united with Jesus.
There is great power in this kind of love. There is freedom, there is joy! To love your enemy is to want them to experience a heart that is free from hatred! These days, because of what Jesus has done in my heart, I know that I could be the one hating another person. If not for Jesus, I could be the one fighting for positions at work!
If you allow Jesus to love through you, and allow Jesus to reveal the truth about your unregenerate heart to you, love will flow from your heart to anyone who doesn’t know Jesus! You would pray for them and bless them because hatred and every other thing apart from love is poison!
Oh! It’s so good to experience and share the unconditional love of God!