Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth

Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips.” Psalms 141:3 NKJV

I remember someone saying to me when I was younger that negative words are responsible for many of the wars in the world.

I’m not sure if that is exactly right but I know that my own misplaced words have caused tears for people that I love.

It’s better to keep quiet than to speak words that hurt. I also remember hearing someone say that any fool can say words that tear people down but it takes a wise person to say words that build people up!

Negative words create negative thoughts which in turn create fear and failure. God inspired words and prayers create positive thoughts and faith in God which in turn create success!

This prayer is a good prayer! I find that the Holy Spirit answers this prayer by restricting my speech and giving me new words!

My problem usually is saying things at the wrong time. I am so grateful that I have the Holy Spirit that has put a guard on my lips. Many times now, I just sense the Holy Spirit saying to me “don’t say that. Ask a question instead!”

As you continue on your journey of attracting people to Jesus, you will need words. Trust God that you will speak the right words! (John 12:49).

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