Sometimes we can get carried away dreaming about heaven and the afterlife that we forget the purpose that God has for us on earth! Does God have a purpose for earth and the people that live on earth?
Yes! There is a purpose for the earth and a purpose for everyone and everything on earth! That is why Jesus instructed His disciples and that means you and I (BiVo Ministers) to pray like this:
“In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.”
Matthew 6:9-10 NKJV
God has a will for the earth! God wants the earth to be filled with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom 14:17)! If all the people in a place or community love one another unconditionally, the place would be like heaven! There would be peace, honesty, mutual respect, integrity, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, joy and many other good things!
We are the body of Christ on earth! We are the ones through whom that prayer will be answered! It is through you that Jesus wants to bring joy to the people who do not know Him! This is not a choice we have to make! It’s a mandate we have to fulfill as disciples of Jesus!
Everyday there is someone around you who can benefit from unconditional love! They don’t have to earn it! They just get prayers, kindness, forgiveness, a word of encouragement, a dinner invitation, a listening ear, a gospel presentation, a gift, a loving word of correction etc. Not because we want more members in church meetings, not because we were told to do so but because we are the body of Christ and we are the expression of Heaven on earth!
Let’s not wait for another person to make things better! Allow Jesus to move in you today to bring heaven to someone! You will soon notice that heaven on earth starts from within you! It’s not possible to love unconditionally for a while and not be at peace! By peace I mean inner peace!
It is still the will of God that we multiply (make disciples) and fill the earth! Let’s do it by His power!
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