All that is Mine is Yours

How rich are you? Are you rich because you have a positive net worth? A lot of money in the bank? Does God see you as rich? Does that even matter? What do these words from Luke 15:31 mean?

I’m always happy when I read the parable of the lost son in Luke 15. There are 3 thing that make me happy but today I will only explain one. I will list the other 2.

I am happy because I sense the heart of God the Father! He loves us all and wants to have a relationship with us.

I am happy because I have been lost but now I am home. I have a very joyful and intimate relationship with God

The third thing that makes me happy is that I have access to all the resources of God our heavenly Farther! I am rich! Very rich and in fact I can never be poor! (Luke 15:31).

My brother, my sister it is impossible for you to be poor! You are from the family of the owner of the universe! He owns everything including the people! We lack only because we are still trying to have our own riches instead of joining with God and accessing all His resources! What we should be doing is meeting needs with our skills and making disciples of the people whose needs we meet.

So stop trying to get rich or pursuing wealth! You are only moving money from one of your accounts to the other. If you operate from the truth, the money you need will always be available (Luke 15:31?).

What I have noticed in this scripture is that if your chase wealth, importance, approval from people or even God by acting right, you only get some of the resources! And like the elder brother you will always feel as if you don’t have enough. Luke (15:29).

God has committed all His resources to one major project! What Project? Finding His lost Children. That is what would make our Heavenly Father rejoice! That is what Jesus our elder brother came to do! To seek and save the lost.

Today as you go about your daily activities, remember to use them to help in this project of finding the lost children of God!

If any good parent discovers that their child is gone. That he or she left home without warning! They would commit all their resources to find that child.

All our Heavenly Father’s resources are ours as long as we are committed to the project of making disciples! Seeking and finding the lost children of the Father. So we are rich! We are not looking for money! We are looking for people!

If you want a jump start on your journey to seek and save the lost! You can start with the Free BiVo Minister Course!

Talk to me: How rich are you? What are your thoughts?

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