My dad has thought me a lot! For a while he was both father and mother to us! Today I am sharing a few of the things I learnt by observing my dad over the years! I am so glad my dad is alive today as a great mentor to me and my family!
I learned that there are people out there who are just waiting for someone to love them and lead them to Jesus! I saw how my dad became a disciple of Jesus Christ because someone shared the good news with him at their home! And so many other people have been saved because my dad always shares the gospel with others.
I learned never to give up but trust God because I have seen my dad go down and get back up a few times. He lost his wife, lost a lot of money and businesses, almost died and yet with faith in God, he recovered all that was lost. Today he is still going strong by the grace of God.
I learnt that the sacrifice involved in being excellent is worth it because he found a way to motivate me to push myself even when I was satisfied with playing as a little boy in primary school. He and my mom promised me a bicycle if I was one of the top 3 students in my class. I enjoyed the result of working a little harder so much so that I’ve made it part of life ever since! Yes! I got the bike!
I learned how to run a business by seeing him and my mom do business ever since I was able to understand what was going on around me! I saw the challenges and the benefits or being a creator of opportunities for others and I loved it and followed in his footsteps.
I learned to pray a lot more because I saw him pray and get answers to prayers.
I learned to read a lot because my dad has books everywhere around the house. Books in every room! And I love books so much as a result.
I learned publishing and business in general because my dad allowed me to run his publishing company with him many years ago as a teenager!
I learned to love and honor my wife because I never saw my dad fight with my mom! I know they had their differences but it was never so serious that it would become obvious to us the children.
I learned to give and I am still learning because my dad is a world class generous giver.
I have learned to support my children in whatever they love to do because of the tremendous support I have received from my dad all my life. This continues till this very day!

I am so grateful to God for all the things my dad has thought me. In this post I focused more on the things I learned mostly by watching him or by the actions he took. I still learn from my dad each time we talk. There are things my dad said many years ago that I am just getting to understand now!
It’s such a blessing to have my dad still alive as a mentor to me today! I pray that God gives him many more years in great health in Jesus Name!
Happy Father’s Day to my dad, Dr Adebola Olubanjo!
Do you have some fond memories of your dad? Please share with me in the comments section below.