Do you have a scheduled prayer time?

Over the next couple of posts, I would share some tips on how to pray more and get more results through prayer as a disciple-maker or BiVo Minister.

These posts will be short, so that I can just focus on one tip at a time.

Here is the tip for today!

Schedule your time for prayer! Make it at least 60 mins long.

Over the years, I have discovered that when I have scheduled my prayer time, I have prayed more and gotten more results.

Here is a thought for you. If it is not on your schedule, then it may not get done. If it is on your schedule there is a greater chance of it getting done.

In my experience, I have scheduled different times in different seasons. There was a time that I prayed from midnight every day. There was a time that I prayed from 8 pm. At another time I prayed from 5 am.

After all these years and after changing from season to season, I am settling down to a morning time of prayer in addition to other times of prayer. (Mark 1:35).

Here are a few more tips on this.

  1. Don’t be too ambitious – Start small and grow (I suggest you start with 60 mins)
  2. Protect your schedule jealously – See it as more important than a meeting with the most important human on earth.
  3. Stick to it and get back on track even after missing a few days.
  4. You may only get 40mins of productive time. Don’t let this bother you.
  5. As things change, don’t change the time. Just add new times. You can schedule an hour in the morning and another hour at night.
  6. Pray for the lost daily.

Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

4 thoughts on “Do you have a scheduled prayer time?”

  1. Am learning that i must be a disciple first in order to make other people disciples of Christ.

    With my busy schedule trying to make ends meet sometimes prayer can be difficult but i know this is a plan of the devil to make me empty spiritually.

    From tonight i will set my time for prayer and i stick to it.

    1. Thanks Emmah!
      This is a great beginning! I pray that the grace of God will continue to increase upon you in the name of Jesus!

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