Disciple people in a group! Eat with them!

How to Disciple Someone Effectively – 7 Time Tested Tips!

One question that comes up often when talking about making disciples is this. How do I disciple another person effectively?

I would not pretend to have all the answers to this question. However, I would like to suggest a few points that would help you to disciple another person effectively!

Let’s start by asking another question. How did Jesus disciple the apostles? (Mark 3:14-19)

  • Jesus called 12 men.
  • They stayed with Him and observed Him as much as they heard His teachings.
  • The were sent to do what Jesus did (preach, meet needs by destroying the works of the devil).
  • They were not perfect – they all denied and deserted him at the last minute.
  • One of them betrayed Him.

What was the result of Jesus’ Method?

  • Although they all deserted Him, they were restored and they continued the work.
  • They were accused of turning the world upside down
  • We still have hundreds of millions of disciples today over 2000 years after.

Following the example of Jesus, how do you disciple someone effectively?

  1. Disciple people in small groups (3-12)
  2. Baptize them (make sure you are water baptized) (Matt 28:16-20)
  3. Let the disciples see you and watch you as you follow Jesus.
  4. Show them how to read, understand and obey Jesus from scriptures. (You can use the DBS method).
  5. Give them a lot of opportunities to practice what you are doing and teaching. That is listening to and obeying Jesus. (Luke 10, Matthew 10).
  6. Let them start making efforts to disciple others as soon as they have started following Jesus. Remember that one of the main instructions of Jesus is to make disciples. (Matt 28:16-20)
  7. Let Love be evident in you and show the disciples that Love is the greatest commandment. (Luke 10:25-28)

Is this for Pastors only?

I know you are wondering if this article is for pastors only.

No! It’s for all disciples. You baptize new believers. You show them how you obey God’s instructions from scriptures and in your spirit. You work with groups instead of individuals. You train and expect them to do the same things that you are doing.

So you may wonder what the characteristics of a disciple are. I wrote about them here.

Why do you think Jesus worked with a group?

I have a few reasons why Jesus may have worked with a group. There may be some more. If you think of more please add them to the comments section below.

  • When working with a group, you can still deal with individual issues from time to time.
  • Working with a group makes it possible for the members of the group to challenge and encourage one another.
  • working with a group protects you because there are always witnesses to what is going on.
  • If a person is thinking in a way that is very different from the group, they can easily see it.
  • When some are weak, the other members of the group can strengthen them.
  • When you are no longer around them as much, they can remind one another about what you have shown and taught them.

As a pastor I have a lot of experience with this. There are things I hear the church family members who were around us when we first started to actively make disciples say that makes my spirit dance for joy.

It’s amazing these days to just watch people share the life of Christ with others. We have even begun to see the children share some of the truth that they have learned. It’s such a joy!

So how do you begin the process of discipling a group of people?

The first step usually is to be a good disciple yourself. Make Jesus and his mission your priority and then have a simple but consistent disciple-making routine.

As you spread the love of Jesus to everyone around you and speak affectionately and passionately about Jesus, you will soon find people who are interested in know Him. You then lead them to Jesus through a discovery bible study in what we call a Discovery Group.

Thats how the group starts and thats how you begin the process of discipling someone effectively.

I started my first group in 2001 in Montreal Canada among university students. These students are now married (some married each other) and they are making disciples for Jesus today. At that time I did not know about the Discovery Bible Study. Regardless we used what we had and the Lord blessed our work.

You can start today with a simple disciple making routine and lots of prayers.

Even teenagers can be discipled and turned into Disciple Makers

Listen to what God is doing among highschool students in Kingfisher, USA.

Do you have other tips? Please share in the comments section below.

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Really practical steps that you can use to disciple anyone. That is, help someone move from a new believer to a matured believer.

5 thoughts on “How to Disciple Someone Effectively – 7 Time Tested Tips!”

  1. Thanks for sharing these tips, Pastor Ade. We are discipling our teenage kids with 3 other families! We always share food together, rotating the hosting amongst families. The guests bring the food :-). Breaking bread often together creates strong bonds. Thanks for sharing DBS…that’s new to me! BSF- Bible Study Fellowship has been life-changing for me.

    1. Wow! Thanks Pele for sharing. I’m so happy to hear about your teenage kids and 3 other families!!!!

      Yes. Food really helps to build fellowship.

      BSF is new to me too! I took a quick look at it and it looks really good. Is this the one?


      Thanks again for sharing.

  2. “How to Disciple Someone Effectively – 7 Time Tested Tips!” Thanks Pastor Ade, I can think of two other benefits of Working with a group: Working with a group facilitates the process of understanding that there could be different perspectives to a problem or situation.
    It also helps the linking (connecting) of one’s understanding to that of others, in working towards a solution.

    Pastor Ade I have a question
    On the following portion of the article:
    Is this for Pastors only?

    I know you are wondering if this article is for pastors only.

    No! It’s for all disciples. You baptize new believers.

    Could you please expand on disciples baptizing new believers as it relates to water baptism?


  3. Thank you Pastor Ade for sharing these 7 tips.
    I’m going to check out the DBS shortly. I need such tool for effective discipline.
    I like what Pele shared. I have thought some teenagers around me.
    Just coming into church on Sundays is not as transforming as small group times. I love what you do with your teenage children and your family friends @Pele.

    Then to Mama Catherine’s question, what is your take Pastor Ade on women baptizing others as they make disciples..I mean the gender question.


    1. Thanks, Esther for these lovely comments and questions.

      I believe that according to the scriptures, all disciples can baptize another disciple as long as they are connected to the body of Christ. ( we do not read anywhere that female disciples should not baptize)!

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