One thing you lack!

What is that one thing that would change your life if it can be changed right now? Or who is that one person that you know can make a big difference in your life? What is the one thing they would do or change?

I cannot count how many times I have gotten just one more thought or idea that totally changes the result of a project I am working on.

If you need a combination of 6 letters as a password to your bank account or any other account, and you have 5 of the letters right, but just one letter is wrong you will not have access.

This rich young ruler got everything else right except one. Yet he was unable to enjoy the kingdom of God!

“Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.” Mark‬ ‭10:21‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

As long as money, fame, reputation, academic achievements and other goals on earth have a higher value in your heart than, preaching around with Jesus, you still lack that one thing.

If you are not willing to let go of everything to serve Jesus in whatever capacity He chooses then you lack the same thing this your ruler lacked!

If you do not think that the most glorious position to be on earth is to be doing whatever Jesus Christ would have you do to fulfill the great commission, then you lack that one thing.

Heaven will not be heaven to those who do not see that nothing on earth is worth holding on to when compared with living in obedience to the Holy Spirit.

We are sent to make disciples for Jesus! Every disciple must be willing to give up every thing to invest in saving the lost and being in constant communion and obedience to Jesus!

It is not a task for you and I to do. The Holy Spirit will work through us.

What you and I must do is this! Make sure that we repent and get back on track whenever we value anything more than simple obedience to Jesus!

The young rich man walked away because he undervalued Jesus and overvalued his stuff. His stuff which can become of no value to him if he becomes very sick or dies in the next hour!

Oh Lord may I never underestimate the value of following you to love the lost!

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