Priority! Fruit!

What are we really called to do as disciples of Jesus? How do you know that you are doing well as a disciple of Jesus? What is heavens bottom line?

Fruit! Yes Fruit! That’s what Jesus says in John 15. If a branch does not bear fruit it is useless (John 15:2).

“By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.”
‭‭John‬ ‭15:8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

What does Jesus mean by fruit? I believe it is Love. The type of love that took Jesus to the cross and brought salvation to humans!

Love that is an outflow of becoming a slave to God who is love. When Jesus lives through us, the outflow of His life is love. This love draws sinners to Him and they are saved!

In other words Fruit is love that produces salvation in people. A good disciple is one that multiplies Jesus every where by making disciples for Jesus.

This love is supernatural. It comes from God. This love is the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.

When was the last time you led someone to Jesus? Are you currently mentoring a disciple of Jesus?

Think about the testimonies we share at church. Think about the prayer points we write or share. What is the priority of the average Christian?

Remember that you can’t impress God with billions of dollars! Nothing you get on earth is worth anything in heaven!

If love that attracts people to Jesus is our priority then how much time do you invest in learning how to love like Jesus! How much time have you invested in loving your neighbors?

As I write this, I am asking God to help me invest more time and resources into what matters most to heaven!

If your life is not attracting other people to Jesus and your are not mentoring any disciples then please do not think that you are doing well. If you have a lot of money and influence and your influence is not attracting people to Jesus then you are building your own kingdom!

What should you do? Change your priority!Make salvation of souls and their discipleship your top priority! Devote time and resources to it! I can help with the first steps! Take the BiVo Minister Course and I will guide you to becoming a regular disciple maker for Jesus! Everyone you meet at work need Jesus! Let me show you how to help them!