Two elderly ladies?

I am always blown away by the way God works. No one is too young or too old. See what God did with two elderly ladies. One of them was blind. Everyone can pray!

In 1949 in the village of Barvas, Rev. James Murray MacKay was the parish minister. For months he and his church leaders prayed for an outpouring of the Spirit.

In a small cottage lived two elderly sisters: Peggy Smith, aged eighty-four and blind, and her sister Christine Smith, eighty-two and almost bent double with arthritis.

They were unable to attend worship, but for months they prayed in their cottage for God to send revival to Barvas.

Revival Fire by Wesley Duewel, pg 306

They prayed for months for people in their village by name. And other members of the church prayed as well.

One morning after several months of praying, God gave one of the sisters Peggy Smith a vision of the church building filled with people including the young people. She saw hundreds of people being swept into the kingdom of God.

She told her pastor and he and the church elders invited a guest minister Duncan Campbell to speak for a couple of days.

Here is what happened

That night Campbell preached on “The Wise Virgins” and the following night on “The Foolish Virgins.”

The second service closed with intense silence. God was speaking to hearts.

At the close, Campbell dismissed the crowd and the building emptied.

But suddenly the church door opened again and an elder motioned for Campbell to come to the door.

The entire congregation was standing outside, so gripped by the Holy Spirit they did not want to leave.

Other people who had not attended were drawn from their homes by the irresistible power of the Holy Spirit.

Many faces showed deep distress. Campbell called everyone back inside the church.

The awesome presence of God was so profound that unsaved people began to groan with distress and pray in repentance.

Revival Fire by Wesley Duewel pg 308.

Many more wonderful things happened in that village.

When we pray with our whole hearts for a move of God’s Holy Spirit. He always responds.

Let’s pray please! Our Heavenly Father is looking for willing vessels. (Acts 1:14)

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