These Prayer points from Matthew 9 will challenge you and transform your family as well. Really helpful!

10 Powerful Prayer Points from Matthew 9 that will change you and your family!

In our church family, we have been led to pray in a chain for 30 days in January 2021 round the clock while reading through the book of Matthew. Here are the powerful prayer points that I have extracted from Matthew 9. Use it and add yours to it.

  1. Oh Lord, you know my thoughts! I receive grace to always reject evil thoughts from my heart. Help me dear Lord to focus on You and Your will for me. (Matt 9:4)
  2. Oh Lord, I have faith in you. I place my life at your feet. Please work in me so that I can bring more glory to you. I pray in Jesus’ Name. (Matt 9:1-3).
  3. Dear Lord, shine your light on my life and reveal the sins that limit my effectiveness and fruitfulness. I receive grace today to obey all your instructions in the name of Jesus. (Matt 9:5-7).
  4. Oh Lord please continue to do wonders in my heart and all my life such that people who see me in action will glorify You, my God. (Matt 9:8).
  5. Dear Lord, thank you for calling me. I accept your call to me to follow you and be a fisher of people. Lord help me to recognize the people you are calling like Matthew, people who are ready to follow you. (Matt 9:9-13)
  6. Thank you Heavenly Father for the new covenant! Thank you for cleansing me and making it possible to come to you by the blood of Jesus. Now I can fast so that I can devote my time to you and hear from you. (Matt 9:14-17)
  7. Dear Lord, I believe like this ruler that when you touch anything, it gets fixed, if it is dead it would come back to life. Therefore Lord, whatever good thing that has died in my life, dear Lord Jesus, I present them to You so that they can receive life again.
  8. Every vision, business idea, ministry, relationships, cell, or organs in my body receive new life now in Jesus’ Name! I present my life to you, Lord. Have your way. (Matt 9:16-26)
  9. Lord Jesus, I receive You as my healer. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. You healed every disease and every sickness among the people. I receive healing in my body in your name. My body! Receive healing now in the name of Jesus. As I lay hands and pray for the sick in your name, dear Lord glorify yourself and let them receive healing. (Matt 9: 27-35)
  10. Dear Heavenly Father, you are the Lord of the harvest. Please send out laborers into my neighborhood, my workplace, my city, nation, the unreached people groups all around the world to bring in the harvest of souls. I surrender to you as a laborer. Please, Lord, send me to the harvest today. Lord, please send me those people whom you have prepared for harvest today. Dear Lord, please help me to recognize the people who are ready to be brought into the Kingdom. Help me to preach the good news of the kingdom, to heal the sick, cast out demons, and show your love to the people all around me by brings your solutions to their problems. (Matt 9:37-38).

7 thoughts on “10 Powerful Prayer Points from Matthew 9 that will change you and your family!”

  1. Thanks, Ade… great prayers! Iā€™m praying them & also forwarding them to others. God bless you, Olu, & your sons!!

  2. Thanking God for you, for ministering, this was Very insightful prayer.
    May Grace and peace be multiplied to you by our Lord and savior Jesus.

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