Who can baptize

Who can baptize a new believer according to the scriptures?

One of the members of our BiVo Network asked me to write a little more about the questions. Who can baptize? Can any believer in good standing baptize another believer? Or is baptism reserved for only the ordained ministers?

From Matt 28:18-20, I believe Jesus gave the first disciples the great commission. They were expected to make disciples and teach those new disciples to do ALL the things that Jesus commanded them to do.

That means if the command to make disciples is for everyone, the command to baptize is also for everyone. Although the people we see in the Bible performing baptisms were apostles and evangelists (Philip), we do not read anywhere in Acts of the apostles that it was reserved for these people only.

What we see actually is that Paul clearly stated in 1 Cor 1:14, that he did not baptize many of the Corinthians. Although many Corinthians believed (Acts 18:8), Paul did not baptize them. He must have delegated that responsibility to some of the brothers that were with him.

So can we just baptize anyone indiscriminately?

No. All we need to do, however, is to ensure that we are operating in unity with a local body of believers. If you are functioning in a body of believers (church), then you can represent that body to baptize a new believer in the presence of witnesses. Then you promptly report the good news to the church. That is how I believe it was done in the early church and it is how I believe the scripture teaches us to do it.

If you are part of a local assembly, there are elders or pastors called to serve you. These leaders like Paul will delegate the authority to baptize other new believers to you and you are ready!

So dear brother and sister you are a BiVo Minister, trust God that as you live your life as a disciple, find people of peace, start discovery groups, you will soon have an opportunity to baptize some new believers while your brothers and sisters celebrate with you.

4 thoughts on “Who can baptize a new believer according to the scriptures?”

  1. Agreed.
    As Father God leads us to make disciples of others, and as we continue to commit our lives to Him, He will reveal to us and to our church families the need to baptize others in His name.

  2. I agree with you on this matter a born again child of God that is spirit filled can baptize a new believer.

  3. Philip baptized the Ethiopian eunuch without any witnesses being present. The only condition was that he believed with all his heart (Acts 8:37).
    A local assembly was not present, nor was the man gathered together into one, but went on his way rejoicing (v. 39).

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