Jesus gave a very important instruction to His disciples in Matt 28:18-20. He told them to make disciples of all nation.
So what are the characteristics of a true disciple of Jesus? Will Jesus call you a disciple? Or will Jesus say You Cannot be my disciple?
Here is a list of Characteristic that I believe every disciple should have.
This list is not exhaustive. It is just a list to start from.
As a disciple of Jesus you:
- Believe that Jesus is your saviour from sin. (John 3:16)
- Believe that Jesus is the Lord of your Life (Luke 9:23).
- Repent and continue to confess your sins to God and receive forgiveness as the Holy Spirit convicts you. (Acts 2:38 and 1 John 1:9).
- Are baptized (Matt 28:18-20)
- Live in obedience to the commands of Jesus (in the gospels and the entire scriptures) (Matt 28:18-20, Matt 5-7)
- Love everyone around you as you love yourself (At least you are trusting God to do this in you and through you). (John 13:35)
- You are filled with the Holy Spirit and are being filled. (Act 2:38)
- Are always seeking to know the will of your Lord Jesus and obeying them regardless of the challenges involved. (Acts 9:6).
- Have Disciple Making and Discipleship as a priority. (Matt 28:16 – 20)
I believe we can start with this list and build on it.
I hope that this helps you to begin to see what the Bible says about being a disciple of Jesus. It’s not exhaustive. However, if you start here, the Holy Spirit will lead you to all the other things.
Your turn!
Are there some other characteristics of a believer that come to mind? Please add them to the comment section below.
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