Everyone is called

When we were little (5-7 yrs old), my sisters and I would play “house”.

I was the dad, my immediate younger sister was the mom, and my 2 last sisters were the children.

We knew from that young age that we would one day be parents. Our parents wanted us to be parents.

Everything they did was designed to train us to be effective and responsible adults and parents.

We were ALL trained to be parents. None was ignored. They believed we would grow up one day to be parents.

They even prayed about it and declared that we and our children would blessed.

As a disciple of Jesus, it is our responsibility to do EVERYTHING with the mindset that the believers that God leads to us, can and will be great disciple-makers.



5 Steps System to a Happy Marriage!!

💥If your marriage is NOT AS HAPPY AS you want, and you are CONVINCED that your marriage can be much better than it is right now, BUT your spouse is not on the same page…

…Invest in yourself by reading every word of this post.

Let’s tackle it.

It must have been around Sept 2006, I knew my wife was not happy and I was not happy either. I was doing everything I knew to do.

I prayed, tried to talk, I tried to change and each time, there seems to be some progress, but the changes did not last.

Olu was trying her best. I noticed all the effort she made to be the best wife that she could be, the more she tried, the more frustrated she became because she did not get the transformation she was expecting.

On that day, I knew we had to do something about this problem.
How can two people who love themselves so much be hurting so much?

So we called an older female pastor friend. She came to our house.
We both spoke she gave us some great advice and she left.

I wish I could say that everything changed immediately. Sorry to disappoint you. They did not.

💥 However something happened, I discovered that I could change my marriage alone by working on the right things.

We knew we wanted the best marriage on earth. So we began to study and work and what we came up with has transformed our lives and those of many of the members of the church that we pastor, and our friends.

With these discoveries, I have helped people overcome infidelity, physical abuse, verbal abuse, hopelessness, frustration in their marriages….

Whenever we celebrate our anniversary, here is what we ask ourselves.
”If marriage can be so sweet and gets sweeter every year what would it be like after 27yrs or 40yrs?

Let me tell you there are 5 major steps that you need to transform your marriage.
It doesn’t matter if your spouse is ready to work with you at this time or not. If your spouse is ready, things move faster. However, many spouses catch up later 😀.

💥 If you are ready to take these 5 steps, your life would move from one of frustration and hopelessness to joy, confidence, peace, and hope.
Imagine your marriage getting better every month.🕺🏿💃🏽

Your happy marriage is not the only result. Our boys are so happy in the home that they positively discuss their hope of getting married as soon as they are old enough.

Not only that, we are able to work together on all our projects.
We maximize the benefits of having one another to help, especially when it comes to disciple-making.

I guess you are working very hard like I used to. Some of the things you are working on are the cause of the trouble and some are taking your time away from the real stuff.

I have been helping people for 15 years, you would be amazed to know how many of your actions are actually killing your marriage.

Are you:

  • 💧 Praying for your spouse to change,
  • 💧 Visiting the pastor’s office a few times a year
  • 💧 Calling extended family members to intervene
  • 💧 Complaining
  • 💧 Begging
  • 💧 Shouting
  • 💧 Threatening
  • 💧 Attending couples therapy
  • 💧 Watching videos directed to couples

And still, things are not moving forward?

💥 Then you need to work on the 5 steps.

I want to, not only tell you what those steps are – I want to give you training on HOW to master them.

For years I only shared this with close friends and church members. But after recovering from a stroke in 2017, I felt led by the Holy Spirit to share all the things I have learned with as many people as possible.

I have read lots of books. Some have really excellent advice for couples but very few have information for people who have to fix their marriages alone.

💥💥💥 This training is of extremely high value to anyone who wants to rebuild their marriages on their own with the help of the Holy Spirit.💥💥

If you are CERTAIN of the following:

👉🏾 God wants YOU to be happy in your marriage👉🏾 You are CAPABLE of more peace, Joy and fruitfulness than what you’re currently getting (if you just know the right things to do) 👉🏾 You, like me in 2006 DO NOT want to lose your opportunities in life to grow, raise emotionally healthy children, make disciples & advance.. you are committed to growth in your life on every level…

I want to give you something.

It covers the 5 steps I mentioned earlier and it’ll dive deep into how to master them.

This is the exact replica of how we transformed our marriage the way we did way back in 2006.

Here are the rules: 👉🏾 NO sharing with people who only want to complain about their spouse👉🏾 IMPLEMENT (nothing worse than getting info and doing absolutely nothing with it – if this is you I’m sorry, please don’t bother asking for this)

This is Scripture-based training on how to have more joy, peace, and fulfillment in your life and marriage whether your spouse cooperates with you right now or not.

💥 This works in every nation and every culture. 💥 Get it, implement, and report back. 💥

Do you want it?

“5 steps” in the comments below or send me a DM and I’ll send you the training at no cost to you!!.

LET’S GET MORE JOOOOOY and Happy Marriages!!

Ade ❤️ Sobanjo

Who can baptize a new believer according to the scriptures?

One of the members of our BiVo Network asked me to write a little more about the questions. Who can baptize? Can any believer in good standing baptize another believer? Or is baptism reserved for only the ordained ministers?

From Matt 28:18-20, I believe Jesus gave the first disciples the great commission. They were expected to make disciples and teach those new disciples to do ALL the things that Jesus commanded them to do.

That means if the command to make disciples is for everyone, the command to baptize is also for everyone. Although the people we see in the Bible performing baptisms were apostles and evangelists (Philip), we do not read anywhere in Acts of the apostles that it was reserved for these people only.

What we see actually is that Paul clearly stated in 1 Cor 1:14, that he did not baptize many of the Corinthians. Although many Corinthians believed (Acts 18:8), Paul did not baptize them. He must have delegated that responsibility to some of the brothers that were with him.

So can we just baptize anyone indiscriminately?

No. All we need to do, however, is to ensure that we are operating in unity with a local body of believers. If you are functioning in a body of believers (church), then you can represent that body to baptize a new believer in the presence of witnesses. Then you promptly report the good news to the church. That is how I believe it was done in the early church and it is how I believe the scripture teaches us to do it.

If you are part of a local assembly, there are elders or pastors called to serve you. These leaders like Paul will delegate the authority to baptize other new believers to you and you are ready!

So dear brother and sister you are a BiVo Minister, trust God that as you live your life as a disciple, find people of peace, start discovery groups, you will soon have an opportunity to baptize some new believers while your brothers and sisters celebrate with you.

How to Disciple Someone Effectively – 7 Time Tested Tips!

One question that comes up often when talking about making disciples is this. How do I disciple another person effectively?

I would not pretend to have all the answers to this question. However, I would like to suggest a few points that would help you to disciple another person effectively!

Let’s start by asking another question. How did Jesus disciple the apostles? (Mark 3:14-19)

  • Jesus called 12 men.
  • They stayed with Him and observed Him as much as they heard His teachings.
  • The were sent to do what Jesus did (preach, meet needs by destroying the works of the devil).
  • They were not perfect – they all denied and deserted him at the last minute.
  • One of them betrayed Him.

What was the result of Jesus’ Method?

  • Although they all deserted Him, they were restored and they continued the work.
  • They were accused of turning the world upside down
  • We still have hundreds of millions of disciples today over 2000 years after.

Following the example of Jesus, how do you disciple someone effectively?

  1. Disciple people in small groups (3-12)
  2. Baptize them (make sure you are water baptized) (Matt 28:16-20)
  3. Let the disciples see you and watch you as you follow Jesus.
  4. Show them how to read, understand and obey Jesus from scriptures. (You can use the DBS method).
  5. Give them a lot of opportunities to practice what you are doing and teaching. That is listening to and obeying Jesus. (Luke 10, Matthew 10).
  6. Let them start making efforts to disciple others as soon as they have started following Jesus. Remember that one of the main instructions of Jesus is to make disciples. (Matt 28:16-20)
  7. Let Love be evident in you and show the disciples that Love is the greatest commandment. (Luke 10:25-28)

Is this for Pastors only?

I know you are wondering if this article is for pastors only.

No! It’s for all disciples. You baptize new believers. You show them how you obey God’s instructions from scriptures and in your spirit. You work with groups instead of individuals. You train and expect them to do the same things that you are doing.

So you may wonder what the characteristics of a disciple are. I wrote about them here.

Why do you think Jesus worked with a group?

I have a few reasons why Jesus may have worked with a group. There may be some more. If you think of more please add them to the comments section below.

  • When working with a group, you can still deal with individual issues from time to time.
  • Working with a group makes it possible for the members of the group to challenge and encourage one another.
  • working with a group protects you because there are always witnesses to what is going on.
  • If a person is thinking in a way that is very different from the group, they can easily see it.
  • When some are weak, the other members of the group can strengthen them.
  • When you are no longer around them as much, they can remind one another about what you have shown and taught them.

As a pastor I have a lot of experience with this. There are things I hear the church family members who were around us when we first started to actively make disciples say that makes my spirit dance for joy.

It’s amazing these days to just watch people share the life of Christ with others. We have even begun to see the children share some of the truth that they have learned. It’s such a joy!

So how do you begin the process of discipling a group of people?

The first step usually is to be a good disciple yourself. Make Jesus and his mission your priority and then have a simple but consistent disciple-making routine.

As you spread the love of Jesus to everyone around you and speak affectionately and passionately about Jesus, you will soon find people who are interested in know Him. You then lead them to Jesus through a discovery bible study in what we call a Discovery Group.

Thats how the group starts and thats how you begin the process of discipling someone effectively.

I started my first group in 2001 in Montreal Canada among university students. These students are now married (some married each other) and they are making disciples for Jesus today. At that time I did not know about the Discovery Bible Study. Regardless we used what we had and the Lord blessed our work.

You can start today with a simple disciple making routine and lots of prayers.

Even teenagers can be discipled and turned into Disciple Makers

Listen to what God is doing among highschool students in Kingfisher, USA.

Do you have other tips? Please share in the comments section below.

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Really practical steps that you can use to disciple anyone. That is, help someone move from a new believer to a matured believer.

What does it mean to be a Disciple of Jesus?

Jesus gave a very important instruction to His disciples in Matt 28:18-20. He told them to make disciples of all nation.

So what are the characteristics of a true disciple of Jesus? Will Jesus call you a disciple? Or will Jesus say You Cannot be my disciple?

Here is a list of Characteristic that I believe every disciple should have.

This list is not exhaustive. It is just a list to start from.

As a disciple of Jesus you:

  • Believe that Jesus is your saviour from sin. (John 3:16)
  • Believe that Jesus is the Lord of your Life (Luke 9:23).
  • Repent and continue to confess your sins to God and receive forgiveness as the Holy Spirit convicts you. (Acts 2:38 and 1 John 1:9).
  • Are baptized (Matt 28:18-20)
  • Live in obedience to the commands of Jesus (in the gospels and the entire scriptures) (Matt 28:18-20, Matt 5-7)
  • Love everyone around you as you love yourself (At least you are trusting God to do this in you and through you). (John 13:35)
  • You are filled with the Holy Spirit and are being filled. (Act 2:38)
  • Are always seeking to know the will of your Lord Jesus and obeying them regardless of the challenges involved. (Acts 9:6).
  • Have Disciple Making and Discipleship as a priority. (Matt 28:16 – 20)

I believe we can start with this list and build on it.

I hope that this helps you to begin to see what the Bible says about being a disciple of Jesus. It’s not exhaustive. However, if you start here, the Holy Spirit will lead you to all the other things.

Your turn!

Are there some other characteristics of a believer that come to mind? Please add them to the comment section below.

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Have you ever asked the question, what does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? Here are some good answers!!!

When was the Apostle Paul more Fruitful? While Traveling or while in Prison?

While praying yesterday it suddenly occurred to me that it is impossible to limit a person who is fully yielded to God from being fruitful in ministry.

The things that limit our ministry are never external. The devil can only limit us when we yield internally to his tricks.

Attacks of the devil from outside you can only limit your physical movements or activities but not the power or effectiveness of your ministry. I believe that these attacks of the enemy are used by our loving Heavenly Father to teach us to fight and in the process we become even more effective.

When Paul the apostle was traveling around to preach the good news of the kingdom of God he reach thousands of people. And those people reached other people. However when he was imprisoned he was able to mentor those people and more people by writing letters that are read billions of times every year!

Why did God allow Paul to be imprisoned? Because God knew that the prison would not limit God’s plan in the life of Paul.

When you abandon your life and take up the life of Christ. There is nothing that can limit the life of Christ in you. Limits can only come when we still want something for ourselves.

“But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭20:24‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I remember moments in my walk with God when I have recognized a new level of surrender. When I knew that I’m letting go of something that I wanted for myself to get whatever Jesus my Lord was asking!

It takes the grace of God to live as if your life doesn’t belong to you. But I tell you the truth. There is no better way to live.

What are your thoughts? What’s going on in your heart with regards to when Paul was more fruitful? Please share with me in the comments section below.

The Story of Dr. Paul! One decision that made a major difference!

Jesus is the savior of many believers! But He is not yet their Lord. I like going back to this story shared by Watchman Nee in his book titled “The Normal Christian Life“.

Please read it and answer this question.

Is there anything that God wants you to do that you think is too much?

Here is the story as written by Watchman Nee (chapter 8).

The Story of Dr Paul

An American friend, now with the Lord, whose name we will call Paul, cherished the hope from his early youth that one day he would be called “Dr. Paul.” When he was quite a little chap he began to dream of the day when he would enter the university, and he imagined himself first studying for his M.A. degree and then for his Ph.D. Then at length the glad day would arrive when all would greet him as “Dr. Paul.”

The Lord saved him and called him to preach, and before long he became pastor of a large congregation. By that time he had his degree and was studying for his doctorate, but, despite splendid progress in his studies and a good measure of success as a pastor, he was a very dissatisfied man. He was a Christian minister, but his life was not Christ-like; he had the Spirit of God within him, but he did not enjoy the Spirit’s presence or experience His power.

He thought to himself, “I am a preacher of the Gospel and the pastor of a church. I tell my people they should love the Word of God, but I do not really love it myself. I exhort them to pray, but I myself have little inclination to pray. I tell them to live a holy life, but my own life is not holy. I warn them not to love the world, and, though outwardly I shun it, yet in my heart I myself still love it dearly.”

In his distress he cried to the Lord to cause him to know the power of the indwelling Spirit, but though he prayed and prayed for months, no answer came. Then he fasted, and asked the Lord to show him any hindrance there might be in his life. That answer was not long in coming, and it was this: “I long that you should know the power of My Spirit, but your heart is set on something that I do not wish you to have. You have yielded to Me all but one thing, and that one thing you are holding to yourself – your Ph.D.”

Well, to you or me it might be of little consequence whether we were addressed as plain “Mr. Paul” or as “Dr. Paul,” but to him it was his very life. He had dreamed of it from childhood, and labored for it all through his youth, and now the thing he prized above all else was almost within his grasp. In two short months it would be his.

So he reasoned with the Lord in this wise: “Is there any harm for me to be a Doctor of Philosophy? Will it not bring much more glory to Your name to have a Dr. Paul preaching the Gospel than a plain Mr. Paul?

But God does not change His mind, and all Mr. Paul’s sound reasoning did not alter the Lord’s word to him. Every time he prayed about the matter he got the same answer. Then, reasoning having failed, he resorted to bargaining with the Lord. He promised to go here or there, to do this or that, if only the Lord would allow him to have his doctor’s degree; but still the Lord did not change. And all the while Mr. Paul was becoming more and more hungry to know the fullness of the Spirit. This state of affairs continued to within two days of his final examination.

It was Saturday, and Mr. Paul settled down to prepare his sermon for the following day, but, study as he would, he could get no message. The ambition of a lifetime was just within reach of realization, but God made it clear that he must choose between the power he could sway through a doctor’s degree and the power of God’s Spirit swaying his life. That evening he yielded. “Lord,” he said, “I am willing to be plain Mr. Paul all my days, but I want to know the power of the Holy Ghost in my life.”

He rose from his knees, and wrote a letter to his examiners asking to be excused from the examination on the Monday, and giving his reason. He retired, very happy, but not conscious of any unusual experience. Next morning he told his congregation that for the first time in six years he had no sermon to preach, and explained how it came about. The Lord blessed that testimony more abundantly than any of his well-prepared sermons, and from that time God owned him in an altogether new way. From that day he knew separation from the world, no longer merely as an outward thing but as a deep inward reality, and as a result, the blessedness of the Spirit’s presence and power became his daily experience.

God is waiting for a settlement of all our controversies with him. With Mr. Paul it was a question of his doctor’s degree, but with us it may be something quite different.

Our complete surrender of ourselves to the Lord generally hinges upon some one particular thing, and God waits for that one thing. He must have it, for He must have our all. I was greatly impressed by something a great national leader wrote in his autobiography: “I want nothing for myself; I want everything for my country.” If a man can be willing that his country should have everything and he himself nothing, cannot we say to our God: “Lord, I want nothing for myself; I want all for You. I will what You will, and I want to have nothing outside Your will.” Not until we take the place of a servant can He take His place as Lord. He is not calling us to devote ourselves to His cause;

He is asking us to yield ourselves unconditionally to His will.

Are you prepared for that?


Yes Lord! I devote myself completely to You!

I remember very well, how God opened my eyes to see that there is no better job to have on earth than servant of God.

Thank you Lord for choosing me to serve you. And for showing me that Making Disciples is my first and only occupation.

Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Do you know what God is up to in your city?

I sometimes wonder if we as believers know the meaning of the things we claim. For example when we say things like “I spend time with God”. Do you ask about what’s top on God’s mind for your city?

The truth is:

To know what is most important to God in any city, you don’t need a prophecy!

God makes this clear all through scriptures.

God wants all His creations to glorify Him. In particular He wants all humans that are lost to be reconciled to Him. (Luke 15).

So what is God up to?

I’m glad you are asking! This is the first step. To be aware that God has a plan for the city where you live is a good thing.

The next step is to accept that whatever God’s plan is, it has the highest priority on your life!

After that, the next step is to make that plan or desire the most important thing you ask for in prayers daily. Pray about it daily and many times during the day.

Now, what is God up to?

God is drawing people to Himself! God wants everyone in your city to have a taste of His kingdom! And you are just one of His partners.

As you pray for more laborers (Luke 10:2). You will discover more details about what God is doing.

Don’t let anyone deceive you with high sounding prophecies! If you focus on the revealed truth, God will give you more details.

And He will make disciples through you!

In the city of Cornwall, Ontario we are believing and praying to God for 2,500 simple expressions of church (House Churches) to display the Kingdom of God and the love of Jesus in the city!

Share with me! What is God up to in your city?

Do you use a prayer calendar?

I started using a prayer calendar last month and it’s been very powerful! Since last month.

  • It has helped me to pray more specifically for people.
  • It has stirred other believers to pray for members of the body of Christ.
  • It has also helped me to see more clearly that the body of Christ is one.
  • With the prayer calendar, I was inspired to pray specifically for some people that I had not prayed for in a while.
  • I was able to keep in touch with family and friends and pray for them at the same time.

I love praying for people around me and I pray for believers and not-yet-believers. But before now I prayed for them when I remembered and for a smaller group of people regularly. And for these people I prayed as the Holy Spirit led me.

With the prayer calendar, I get to pray for more people and get them involved in the process. I still pray as led by the Holy Spirit but I pray for more people.

What is a prayer calendar?

I didn’t come up with the idea! Here it is in the video below.

So dear one, make your prayer calendar today. Write your list of 30 people or 31.

Try to get them from different church families and cities.

On my list I placed couples on the same day!

Have a blessed time praying for the body of Christ and don’t forget to share your experience with me.

If you have a prayer calendar please share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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The Prayer Calendar - This is a good tool to help you pray for family and friends.